Finding beauty in the everyday

Decades ago I was stopped at a long light, late for an appointment. I could feel my blood beating behind my eyes. I blinked in panic and looked around. When did the leaves bud? What?

I vowed I would never miss spring in Michigan again and it is one promise I have kept. Because I chose to notice spring, I noticed the others, too. Those same lovely spring green leaves changing colors as the nights cool. The summer roadside wildflowers of Michigan: bird’s foot trefoil, chicory, Queen Anne’s lace, purple gentian, red sumac. The first snowfall of the season.

Notice became attention and attention became appreciation. The photo here is the exit lights at a movie theatre – the last movie I saw in 2018 before we were sent home in 2019. I don’t remember what movie I saw, but I remember these lights. This way to the egress. ~ P.T. Barnum