Huron Valley Council for the Arts hosted the 11th Annual Author Luncheon on 13 May. When a committee member called about the lunch, I said cool, who’s the author? She said you are. I tried to talk her out of it; old book, I may not be that Linda Robinson <insert image of Obi-wan Kenobi with flatted hand to Storm Troopers>. This is not the Linda Robinson you’re looking for. I hustled into sorting Chantepleure for amazon so I could buy some books for less than the national debt to bring to the event.
I did OK in my presentation. I did not prepare. I just told the story of how the novel was created. I had fun!
This magical event led me to begin compiling the story I want out . A Three Story Life is the journal of 15 years of caregiving our father and my baby brother who has Down’s syndrome and Alzheimer’s disease. I took one memorable Christmas Eve and wrote a 5 minute screenplay, and then submitted it to the Women Over 50 Film Festival. More to follow.
I am making art for an anticipated art exhibition – title TBD but it involves women + flying. Or not flying. But working to get off the ground. More to follow.